Fairground Mercury - Vol 45 No 1

  • Fairground Mercury - Vol 45 No 1

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Product Information

June 2022.


Jottings, Roundabouts, Feedback, Sales, Bookstall and  Helpline

Articles include :

By Road or Rail - A history of how showmen developed and moved their rides in the late 1800's and early 1900's - Stephen Smith

The Cherry Wake - A history of the Cherry Wake fair of Worcestershire; Wilson's, Clarke, Chipperfield and others - Graham Downie

The Model Tober - Doug Roseaman

Engineering Fun - An illustrated description of the Orton and Spooner exhibition at NFCA - Graham Downie 



Product CodeFAI8SBJ355

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(C) The Fairground Association of Great Britain 2024-2029 

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(C) The Fairground Association of Great Britain 2024-2029 

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