Fairground Mercury - Vol 46 No 2

  • Fairground Mercury - Vol 46 No 2

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Product Information

September 2023.


Jottings, Roundabouts, Feedback, Sales, Bookstall and  Helpline

Articles include :

  • Malvern Links - Three famalies traced through the machines at 1975 Malvern Links fair with Ark A42 Ark A93 etc - Ian Trowell
  • Mr Weatherhead's Yard - A history of Thomas Weatherhead (Debtford) - Ann Malloy and Angela Cain
  • Mabon's Day - Charles Deakin unearths events around the 1890's with - Graham Downie
  •  Sixty Years of Fair Watching Part 2 - More recollections from 1970's and 1980's Edwards, Jennings, Rose Brothers, etc -  Roger Mills
  • Over the Tops - Another article on these curious machines - Roger Mills with Graham Downie
  • Rare stall at Carters auction
  • Who got their First - A who has the earliest chariot -race scene on their ride - Vicky Postlethwaite with Graham Downie
  • Workshop at White Waltham - A description of teh craftsman - John Pockett
Product CodeFAI7Y4C546

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(C) The Fairground Association of Great Britain 2024-2029 

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(C) The Fairground Association of Great Britain 2024-2029 

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